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[survive more] A child falls asleep while waiting for his turn in a game... The Motion Anime

survive more
系列作: survive more

Overview: When she was little,I would often take care of Haruna Arimura,a girl who lives nearby,when her parents came home late. Since I mostly looked after her as a "game opponent," she grew up to be a girl who loves games,and even now she comes over to play with me from time to time. Haruna has grown into a beautiful girl,but she still has the same sense of distance and vulnerability as before,which often makes it hard for me to deal with her. Maybe that's how much she trusts me as her "big brother." ...But for now,she still comes over to play casually like this,but I'm sure she'll get a boyfriend soon... and then she'll stop coming over to play like this... So... before that happens...

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