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[survive more] After the rain,at the shrine. The Motion Anime

survive more
系列作: survive more

Overview: Min Min Min,Chirping... The cicadas rang out,and the rays of the afternoon sun mercilessly poured down on the ground. In response to that light,two shadows swayed on the country road. "Summer vacation is almost here,Yu-kun." "That's right,do you have any plans to go on a trip,Shizuku?" "Yeah,I..." Shizuku Hayasaka and Yuta Ishizaki were walking home together on their way home from school on this day as well. A year had passed since they started dating,and the two were in a peaceful happiness. Where should we go when summer vacation comes? But one day just before summer vacation,Shizuku had a chance reunion. Her childhood friend "Big Brother," whom she had loved since long ago,had returned to the countryside. His brother had been in Tokyo alone for many years,so it had been a really long time since they last saw each other. Sitting in the shrine grounds,Shizuku and her brother were chatting away,savoring the nostalgia. (My brother has somehow become even more handsome than before...) She was thinking about that when... "Kyaa...!!" Her brother pushed Shizuku down...and came over her. No way... no way,right? That kind brother...why...? Shizuku was confused by the change in her idolized brother,but her resistance was futile as her body was pressed against his...

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