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[survive more] The Girls' Dormitory with Unreasonable Rules - Akane and Yuzuka Edition - The Motion Anime

survive more
系列作: survive more

Overview: I live in the dormitory and work as the caretaker. This is a well-established dormitory for girls who are considered to be upper-class citizens. Today,two new girls,Mizuhara Akari and Shirasawa Yuzuka,are moving in. The dormitory rules are quite strict. Sometimes they seem unreasonable. Moreover,violators are penalized. For example... 6pm curfew,no eating or drinking after 7pm. Smartphones are confiscated in the dormitory. Bath and toilet time restrictions. The dormitory specifies how clothes and underwear are stored. Walk 27 steps in the common hallway. When blowing your nose,your hand should be placed in a specified position and angle. All of these are necessary to raise a lady. They are by no means unreasonable dormitory rules. Now,Akari and Yuzuka,if you violate these dormitory rules,we will have to punish you.

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