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[survive more] Seeding Sumo: Female ●● student vs. Sumo wrestler - When Kokkuri-san is called,a sumo wrestler is summoned

survive more
系列作: survive more

Overview: Azusa,Sae,and Megu are good friends and meet up after school to try out Kokkuri-san,a spirit summoning technique that is popular at school and will answer any question you ask. They hear rumors that the sumo club practice room in the old,unused school building is the best spot for spirit summoning,so they head there right away. In the dimly lit room,the three,who don't know much about sumo,talk amusingly about their image of what a sumo wrestler should be like,and after a good laugh,just as they are about to summon Kokkuri-san,there is a bang and something appears before the three of them. It is the spirit of a large,gigantic sumo wrestler. The man then says,"I will not tolerate you making fun of sumo wrestlers. You shall experience their strength for yourself."

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